319 Step Road
Langhorne Creek
South Australia 5255
phone: +61 8 8537 3017
email: wines@lakebreeze.com.au
restaurant: restaurant@lakebreeze.com.au
Cellar door sales open 10 - 5 daily
Lunch available 7 days from 12pm
Proprietors | Ken and Marlene Follett
General Manager | Roger Follett
Winemaker | Greg Follett
Vineyard Manager | Tim Follett
Weddings + Functions Manager | Ashleigh Hocking
Finance Manager | Dionne Follett
Marketing + Cellar Door | Robyn Follett
phone: 08 8537 3017
mobile: 0448 678 008 - Robyn
email: robyn@lakebreeze.com.au
follow The Creek Cottage on facebook
follow Lake Breeze on facebook
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ABN: 72 079 222 576
Liquor Licence: 5760 1386